
***The Wonderful World of FORMS***

Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank

To join the catastrophic sick leave bank (must be received by 9/30): catastrophic_sick_leave_bank_signup

To request to USE the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank: catastrophic sick leave bank request form

To drop your membership in the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank (must be received by 9/30): Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank drop request

Suspending Students day-of and next day.  Use this form to inform your site admin of a suspension of a student from your classroom.

Teacher suspend a student from class for a day

Pre-designation of Personal Physician

Pre-designation of Personal Physician (form workman’s comp):
pre-designation_of_personal_physician (hard to read)
Pre-designation of personal physician (easier to red)
Use this form to designate your own doctor (or medical group) to be used if you have a workman’s comp claim.  MUST BE SIGNED BY YOUR DOCTOR, must be received BEFORE ANY INCIDENT.  Once you have it done, you are good until something changes.

District Forms:
uniform complaint form

Meeting Log

VUEA Site Meeting Log 2018